Opinion and Analysis

How the mighty pen and rogue journalists lead the sword to kill and divide a nation

The bigotry, hatred and propaganda against the MDC and its President is very regrettable By Lloyd Damba Kangura - many older readers in the Sunday Express will recall that this was a newspaper in Rwanda founded in 1990 by Hassan Ngeze and financed by Felicien Kabuga. Kangura in Kinyarwanda means - Wake others Up - or simply put - Wake Up. The newspaper was known for spreading Hutu Superiority and anti Tutsi Propaganda. As if that was not enough, Felicien Kabuga went on to set the Radio RTLM (Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines). The station went on recruit talented journalists such as George Henri Yvon Joseph Ruggiu and Kantano Habimana. Felicien Kabuga was a close ally of former late Rwandan dictator and Hutu strongman Juvenal Habyarimana and his extremist Akuza. The Akuza was then an informal group of Hutu extremists. Those who worked also in the Radio and Newspapers were Hutu extremists - journalist who believed in Hutu supremacy and the extermination of the Tutsi minority. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); For them to succeed in their plans they had to have an audience and they played beautiful music and had the best videos.

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