*The Sunday Express* is a community newspaper that started as a news-sharing network for Zimbabweans in the diaspora, and those on the continent and beyond
There are approximately 3.5 to 4 million Zimbabweans who live and work in South Africa alone – which is the core target market
Another 2 to 4 million Zimbabweans are in Dubai, Europe, the US, Canada and Australia – it is a population in migration – and it is a continuous story of how people on the move overcome obstacles and move mountains to achieve their goals
Zimbabwe itself is a population of about 16 million people – of whom about 10 million live in Zimbabwe proper
*The Sunday Express* is a network of 150 writers, story-tellers, currency experts, content creators, community leaders, business people, innovators and newsmakers that publishes – in series – through influencers, analysts, ordinary readers and correspondents – it is like a spiderweb of stories and people with a story to tell and on all platforms
Articles are published on a rolling basis in rotating weeks right here on www.zimbabwedigitalexpress.com
As a network – once a content creator has published – we link the website with writer’s fan club – and apply integrated digital publishing
Our influencers run fan clubs with thousands of followers – on whatsapp, on facebook, on X.com, and on the downloadable app – and of course – on (this) very website that you are reading
*The Sunday Express* is the centre of the vast media traffic – clicking back to the DSE News Network with about *30000* hits alone per week from multiple sharingÂ
That’s roughly *120 000* hits per month of readers on the website alone
On Sundays, the *Digital Sunday Express* collects (those) articles , and (re)publishes onto the *pdf version* of the newspaper – our flagship mass circulation enterprise
The digital newspaper is distributed on the spider-web of *DSE News Network* subscribers, writers and correspondents who are dotted at strategic towns and cities throughout Zimbabwe, South Africa and in key places in the UK, US and the Middle East
This network applies *multiple-sharing* on WhatsApp to their channels
1500 newsgroups Ă— 500 group members = *750 000 per week* on WhatsApp alone
750 000 readers per week Ă— 4 Sundays = 3 million readers per month on the pdf alone on whatsapp
Collectively per week, (this) Digital Sunday Express website, and portable version may reach anything between 1 million to 1.5 million readers per week – when the team is at full capacity
Out of the 1.5 million readers per week – our estimate is that – our total readership per month is 5 million people whom we reach directly with the publication – *website, app, socials, and whatsapp channel multiple-sharing*
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